
(Theatrical association)is a non-profit cultural association from Trento, was founded in 2012 in Valle dei Laghi with the aim to promote and disseminate the performing arts . A.T.T.I. is based in Valle dei Laghi Theater where it try to became a place of “making culture” recognized from the Trentino area (and not only) . A.T.T.I. Is a creation place of theatrical art through residences and productions. in recent years, the Atti Association, through partnerships with local institutions, artists and non-profit organizations, has offered various types of projects to the Community of the Valley: from theatrical production to meetings with the author, from educational workshops to social inclusion. A.T.T.I is non-profit association and wants to carry out activities of social utility towards its members in the culture and art sector, with more attemption to the performing arts.To achive this aim, the Association make direct action to support human promotion and social integration of citizens.

The Association aims to reduce the youthful discomfort in the affirmation of their personality and dignity through the development of performing arts through theater for children. The association chase cultural, artistic, educational purpose to contribute to the increase of knowledge and experience among young people, even from different cultures. ATTI affirm the values of equal dignity and reciprocal solidarity between individuals and peoples. ATTI can be considered an organisation operating in the cultural and creative sector because produce Theatrical performances and also organized and manage activites and projects for integration and performing arts. The activities of Associazione ATTI addressed to children, families, but also at a more heterogeneous public of people that is sensitive to issues of social and cultural interest.

Among the participants in the workshops, spectators of the Valle dei Laghi Theater,we can estimate the involvement of about 16,000 people a year. ATTI can be considered an organisation operating in the cultural and creative sector because produce Theatrical performances and also organized and manage activites and projects for integration and performing arts. The activities of Associazione ATTI addressed to children, families, but also at a more heterogeneous public of people that is sensitive to issues of social and cultural interest. Among the participants in the workshops, spectators of the Valle dei Laghi Theater,we can estimate the involvement of about 16,000 people a year.


Is a non- profit, Greek organisation that specialises in the traditional Arts / Theatre / Education fields involving performances, related artistic activities with educational interest, practical (educational or rehabilitation) workshops and many more. It is the research centre of Topos Allou theatre which is very well known for its theatre performances.

The Centre has significant teaching and performing experience in the Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre and Cultural studies. It has an extended Experience in EU projects and International co-operations (registered with a pic number and validated in ECAS PORTAL) and has been involved in many Culture, Leonardo, Socrates / Minerva and Youth in action projects in the past. The CENTRE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THEATRE STUDIES is located in a renovated Neo-classical building at the centre of Athens and also has its own theatre building with 2 stages. Its establishments are fully equipped for seminars and workshops directly related to Arts, Theatre, Teacher’s / educator’s training as well as for various social activities. The centre has its own wardrobe of theatre costumes, masks, hats and accessories.

The Centre of Higher Education in Theatre Studies has significant experience in the relation between Arts, Theatre and Education. The Centre of Higher Education in Theatre Studies has significant experience in the relation between Arts, Theatre and Education. More or less the CENTRE is the founder of the Creative learning teaching method. This in a few words is a method where a teacher of the elementary school can use theater techniques in order to teach his lesson in the classroom with his students ( The method implemented in several schools in Athens, Italy, Bulgaria and other countries in innovative schools.

The Centre of Higher Education in Theatre Studies has also significant experience in the use of fairy tales for pedagogical and social inclusion reasons. It is the coordinator of the Creative Europe project Cultural Luggage ( which aims to collect fairy tales from the refugee countries, develop performances on the basis of them and use them as a channel of social inclusion. Finally, the online learning component is fundamental for the transfer of experience and the building of the capacity of other theatre organisations from all over Europe. Therefore, it was necessary to include in the consortium an organisation that has experience in the design and development of educational and training material for online courses, the design of online training. For this role it was selected Action Synergy from Greece.


Is an education, training and knowledge- based applications organization which is actively involved in the development of education technologies, training methodologies and the development of e-learning training courses. Action Synergy S.A. disposes a long experience in the management and coordination of European Projects.

Since its foundation in 1986 the organisation has participated in a considerable number of EU educational projects, such as COMETT, PETRA, SOCRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI, ADAPT, TEMPUS, PHARE,-Distance learning, LLP, ERASMUS+. It has developed its own e-learning platform and has great experience in: Organisation of e-learning and online learning courses; Learning needs analysis; Development of courses and modules making use of innovative methodologies such as: open/flexible learning methodologies such as open/flexible learning methodologies, e-learning ICTs; Management, organisation and planning of transnational European projects focusing on education and training; Quality Assurance It was the coordinator of several projects, especially in the framework of Erasmus+ which use theatre as a learning tool (for example DIVERSE: Promotion of democratic values and diversity in schools through Creative Drama and Fairy Tales (612178-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN) and EAR: Forming active European Citizens through the Dialectical Method and Theatre (604699-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN).

It has great experience from the patricipation in Creative Europe projects, especially related with theatre.


Is the only professional theater in Southern Lithuania, maintains one of the most important places in the vibrant cultural space of the Alytus city, activates, nurtures and expands it. The theater was founded in 1988 and this year marks the 33st theater season. Theater vision: Alytus city theater – open space, open dialogue, open person. The mission of the theater: to spread the art of theater and present it to the public, to create conditions for creators and performers, to go into an open dialogue with the audience, promoting citizenship, tolerance, good social relations. Alytus City Theater employs a permanent troupe of actors, which presents professional performing arts to the audience.

Much attention is paid to classical, contemporary and national dramaturgy. Alytus City Theater is constantly expanding and taking care of the development of the audience, creating theatre products for babies, children, youth and adults. The active involvement of Alytus City Theater in the cultural life of the city and its region allows its spectators to get to know the theater art in various non-traditional public spaces and to present an international theater festival to theater lovers. Educational programs are constantly updated and created for all age groups: children, youth, adults. Since 2002 Alytus City Theater is an active member of ASSITEJ (International Children and Youth Theater Association), participates in many National Children’s, Youth Theater Festivals, supports and participates in other national and international initiatives. The theater consistently cooperates with other Lithuanian theaters.

In recent years, theatre is extremely active in international cooperation with foreign directors, whose performances complements the theater’s repertoire, expand the boundaries of its style and genre and are already loved by theatre audience. Alytus City Theater tours geography reaches not only Lithuanian city, but abroad too, in 2019 theatre participated in international festivals in Georgia, Romania, USA, UK, Poland. Since 2012 Alytus City Theater organizes the annual festival “Long Live the Comedy!”. Alytus City Theater since its establishment in 1998 is constantly creating and implementing innovative ideas, educating the community and presenting professional performing art to the city. The activities of Alytus City Theater are significant and innovative to the cultural life of the Alytus.


Is a group of two agencies, where now Dita Agência, that used to be Milenar, works as a digital marketing agency. Based in Portugal they provide a range of services including website development, digital marketing, social media marketing, content creation, and SEO optimization. It has a team of professionals with expertise in various areas of digital marketing, and they work with clients in a variety of industries.

They aim to provide customized solutions that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each client. They also emphasizes the importance of data analysis in their approach to digital marketing, using analytics to track the effectiveness of campaigns and make data-driven decisions. They have worked with clients such as Coca-Cola, Heineken, and Red Bull, among others. It is also an influencer and content production agency based in Portugal since 2014. It works with all the Portuguese and European talent and build up projects to brands in social platforms.